Crystallization of honey terms and causes

when honey crystallization begins

Many bee honey lovers want to buy liquid bee honey, believing that crystallized honey is not very useful and lacks its beneficial properties. Let's look at what crystallization of honey is, what determines the speed of honey crystallization, the reasons for the rapid crystallization of honey, what causes the crystallization of natural honey, what are the stages of crystallization of honey, the timing of crystallization of honey of different varieties.


  • What is honey crystallization
  • Crystallization of honey types
  • Crystallization of honey causes
  • Honey crystallization process
  • Crystallization temperature of honey
  • Crystallization of honey good or bad
  • Crystallization of honey terms by varieties
  • How to slow down the crystallization of honey


What is honey crystallization

Let's start with a simple, what is the crystallization of honey. Crystallization of honey is a natural process in which honey changes from one physical state to another. That is, honey from a liquid state, honey becomes more solid, crystalline. At the same time, all the healing qualities of honey are fully preserved. The crystallization time of honey is different for different varieties of honey. Natural honey almost always remains liquid if the honey is sealed in the cells of the combs and the combs are in the hive. This is used by some beekeepers who, when selecting honey in autumn, do not pump it out immediately, but leave honeycombs with honey for storage in a special storage in order to pump out honey later and get liquid honey in winter. But let's consider not only what is the crystallization of honey, but also such questions as what determines the crystallization of honey, what does the crystallization of honey indicate, what varieties of honey crystallize quickly and other issues that are associated with the crystallization of honey.  

Crystallization of honey types

Honey after crystallization acquires a different consistency. Depending on the type of crystallization, honey becomes either very hard, or honey can be easily spread on a piece of bread. Crystallization of honey its types differ from each other in the size of honey crystals. Depending on the size of the honey crystals, the types of honey crystallization are:

  • Fat-like crystallization of honey, in this case, honey after crystallization acquires a homogeneous mass, while the crystals cannot be distinguished from one another. Shrovetide crystallization of honey what it is - this is the same fat-like crystallization of honey, but at the same time honey is easily smeared on a piece of bread like butter.
  • Fine-grained crystallization of honey. In this case, honey after crystallization, honey crystals are very small, they are up to 0.5 mm in size, while they can be seen in the mass of honey.
  • Coarse-grained crystallization of honey. In this case, honey after crystallization, the crystals are very easy to distinguish in honey, because the size of the crystals is more than 0.5 mm. One of the types of coarse-grained crystallization of honey is sunflower honey, in some cases its crystals can reach 2 mm and are clearly visible.


Crystallization of honey causes

Many who love honey have many questions - what determines the crystallization of honey, what determines the speed of crystallization of honey, the reasons for the rapid crystallization of honey, the crystallization of honey causes.
So what are the reasons that make honey from a liquid state become solid, it must be said that there are quite a few such factors.
The crystallization time of honey is different for different honeys. The reasons for the rapid crystallization of honey can be the following factors that need to be considered when storing honey:

  1. The rate of crystallization of honey depends on the ratio of sugars in honey, especially on the content of glucose;
  2. Crystallization of honey can be caused by the mass fraction of water in honey;
  3. The reason for the rapid crystallization of honey may be the presence of crystallization centers in the composition of honey;
  4. The crystallization of honey will depend on the storage temperature of honey;
  5. The reason for the rapid crystallization of honey may be the composition of honey;
  6. Crystallization of honey can be caused by dormancy and periodic stirring of honey.


Honey crystallization process

  1. In the process of crystallization, fructose is in a liquid state, the crystallizing elements are glucose and sucrose. The more fructose honey contains, the longer it stays liquid. Often fructose forms a liquid layer on top. This is a sign of immature honey. Accordingly, the higher the glucose content, the faster honey crystallizes. When the glucose content is less than 30%, honey does not crystallize. Honey crystallization is accelerated by sucrose and melecytosis, maltose delays it.
  2. With a water content of 16 - 20% in honey, crystallization proceeds quickly, more than 21% - honey remains liquid for a long time. As a rule, mature honey with a mass fraction of water up to 18.5% evenly crystallizes throughout the volume of containers, unripe, with high humidity - unevenly, with delamination and the formation of a liquid layer on the surface.
  3. Centers of crystallization are germinal crystals of glucose. In addition, various impurities in the form of pollen grains, proteins, mineral salts significantly accelerate the crystallization process, forming new crystallization centers around which new crystals form.
  4. The optimum temperature for the crystallization process is 10°C - 15°C. If it is below 10 degrees, then the viscosity of honey increases, if it is higher, glucose crystals begin to partially dissolve, honey becomes more liquid. Sharp fluctuations in temperature significantly accelerate the process of crystallization - there are changes in the degree of supersaturation of sugar solutions.
  5. Crystallization of honey also depends on its chemical composition. If the composition of honey contains an increased content of dextrins and colloids, then the rate of crystallization will be slowed down.
    Honey, which contains a large amount of glucose, crystallizes faster into large, not coarse crystals. Honey with a high percentage of fructose crystallizes very slowly and irregularly, forming small crystals.
    Honey, containing a large amount of minerals, crystallizes gradually and does not form layers.
    Rough and large crystals crystallize honey containing a large amount of sucrose.
  6. When honey is stirred, the intergrown glucose crystals are destroyed, their number increases, and the crystallization process proceeds faster. With the "dissolution" of crystals and filtration in the process of packing honey, the number of centers of concentration decreases.
    The density of honey is also an important sign of its good quality. The specific gravity of honey ranges between 1.420 - 1.440. One liter of honey weighs 1.420 kg. To prevent or delay crystallization, honey is heated. At the same time, almost all the smallest glucose crystals are dissolved, which in the future could become crystallization centers.


Crystallization temperature of honey

You also need to know the following:

When sugars are heated above their melting point, the process of caramelization occurs. Fructose, which is part of honey, has a melting point of 95°C. When honey is heated to a temperature of 107°C - 115°C, fructose decomposes with the release of water and the formation of caramelans. As a result, honey becomes dark and acquires an unpleasant odor and taste. (When sugar syrup is boiled, caramelization does not occur, since the melting point of cane sugar is 160 ° C).
In sealed cells of honeycombs, honey crystallization proceeds more slowly, since a constant temperature is maintained in the hive. Honey sealed in combs continues to ripen for 3-4 weeks.


Crystallization of honey good or bad

Many are interested in the question of honey crystallization good or bad. It can be said that the crystallization of honey is not good or bad, it is natural, everything just depends on the time of honey crystallization, whether it happens quickly or slowly. In flower honey, crystallization differs only in terms. Even honeydew honey crystallizes, but only the period of crystallization of honeydew honey will be longer.
Some unscrupulous sellers, in order to increase the attractiveness of honey, melt it. In order to make honey liquid, it is melted, if this is done according to technology, then special equipment decrystallizers is used. But some do not follow the technology, but simply melt the honey on fire, which leads to the fact that the honey becomes liquid, but loses its useful qualities. Therefore, if you see liquid honey in supermarkets, at a time when it should have crystallized for a long time, this should alert you, most likely the honey has been heated, has lost its healing qualities and will be just a sweet dessert.
So the crystallization of honey indicates its good quality.

Crystallization of honey terms by varieties

Different botanical varieties of honey have different crystallization rates. The time of crystallization of honey is different for different varieties of honey.
The rapid process of crystallization of honey from rapeseed honey, sunflower honey, cotton honey, sainfoin honey, alfalfa honey, honey collected by bees from mustard, colza, thistle, as well as honeydew honey.
Slow time of crystallization of honey in acacia honey, chestnut honey, as well as honey collected by bees from sage, cherry, orange.
Linden honey, raspberry honey or fireweed honey, when stored in tightly sealed containers at temperatures above or below 10oC-15oC, has a long honey crystallization time.

How to slow down the crystallization of honey

How to slow down the crystallization time of honey, the process of crystallization of honey, so that it remains liquid for a long time without losing its qualities.
In order to keep honey liquid for a long time, buy natural mature honey from a beekeeper. Store honey in tightly sealed glass or plastic containers in a place where there is no direct sunlight and the same temperature without fluctuations.
Do not mix honey, it is better if the honey is stored in stable conditions.
You can buy honey that will be stored in liquid form for a long time, such as acacia honey, chestnut honey, sweet clover honey.
Also, you can purchase several frames of comb honey, which can also be stored in a liquid state for a very long time. Frames with comb honey will be very well suited for the use of honey in apitherapy, since the honey in the cells remains sterile, not in contact with air, with the walls of the honey extractor, with the walls of the dishes in which it will be stored.