Wax moth tincture for use in various diseases
Wax moth is a valuable beekeeping product that is used medicinally for many diseases. But in order to benefit from taking wax moth tincture, you need to know how to take it correctly and how to take it for various diseases.
- How to take wax moth correctly - general recommendations
- Wax moth use for tuberculosis
- Method of using bee moth for bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases
- Wax moth extract for use in cardiovascular diseases
- Wax moth extract is used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia
- Method of using bee moth in gynecology
- Method of using bee moth for cancer diseases
- Method of using bee moth in andrology
- Method of using bee moth during the recovery period after operations and injuries
- Method of using bee moth by athletes, as well as people after heavy physical exertion
How to take wax moth correctly - general recommendations
How to take bee moth? It is necessary to start taking bee moth in small doses with 2-3 drops. This is necessary in order to determine whether a person has an individual tolerance to the bee moth. If there are no signs of individual intolerance, then you can increase the dose of wax moth extract taken to the recommended one.
It is not advisable to take wax moth extract later than 17:00 in the evening, as the drug has a tonic effect and this can cause insomnia.
Having started a course of treatment, it is advisable not to allow omissions or deviations from the prescribed dosage.
Hypotensive patients should take it with caution: wax moth extract reduces blood pressure (by about 10–15%), taking wax moth extract is a blood pressure stabilizing drug.
How to take wax moth tincture is designed to take a 10% concentration of wax moth extract. Wax moth extracts with a concentration of 20% and 25% are available on sale; when taking this concentration, the dosage is correspondingly reduced by 2 and 2.5 times. Currently, it is not a problem to buy wax moth tincture (bee moth extract), there are many manufacturers, so you should carefully read the composition of the medicine. In addition to the concentration, the bee moth extract may contain herbal extracts or it may be an extract of wax moth waste products. However, if scientists have already studied wax moth larvae quite well, determining at what age they should be used to prepare medicine, there are no available studies yet on the usefulness of wax moth waste products.
There is no consensus on how to take bee moth extract; the data given in this article can be used as a reference only. How to take wax moth in a course to treat a specific disease is best discussed with your doctor. Treatment with bee moth extract can only be carried out as an additional treatment, without canceling the basic treatment.
Self-medication is unacceptable even with such a good drug as wax moth extract.
Wax moth use for tuberculosis
The extract of wax moth larvae destroys the fatty wax membranes of Koch's bacillus, which makes it possible to subsequently destroy it. The wax moth extract contains specific enzymes of the wax moth, these enzymes promote the resorption of cavities in the body. The wax moth extract contains unique natural components that stimulate the human immune system. As a powerful antioxidant, wax moth extract extinguishes oxidative processes in tissues. For more information about the effect of wax moth larvae extract on the human body, see the article - Wax moth use in medicine.
Wax moth extract also exhibits high therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis pathologies.
bee moth tincture, method of use for the prevention of relapses of tuberculosis, as well as taking wax moth extract, use and dose for prevention in contact with a patient with an active form of tuberculosis.
bee moth tincture method of use for adults and children over 14 years of age: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 15 drops, take two to three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, then you should take a break for one to two weeks. Long-term treatment lasts 2-3 courses. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
bee moth tincture method of use for primary tuberculosis
bee moth tincture method of use for adults and children over 14 years of age: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, then you should take a break for one to two weeks. Treatment duration
flax lasts 2 - 3 courses. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
bee moth tincture method of use for drug-resistant tuberculosis
bee moth tincture method of use for adults and children over 14 years of age: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 5 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, then you should take a break for one to two weeks. Long-term treatment continues in courses for a year to a year and a half. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
bee moth tincture method of use for children under 14 years of age with any form of tuberculosis: the number of drops corresponds to the number of years (7 years - 7 drops). Take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water, sweet tea or juice. The duration of one course is three weeks, then there is a break of one week. The total number of courses is no more than 3-4 during one year. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth for bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases
Method of using bee moth for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, pleurisy, frequently recurring colds, etc.
Method of using bee moth for the prevention of respiratory diseases and respiratory viral infections
Method of using bee moth for adults and children over 14 years of age: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 15 drops, take twice a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months. A preventive course is carried out one in the spring and one in the autumn.
Method of using bee moth for children under 14 years of age: the number of drops corresponds to the number of years (7 years - 7 drops). Take once a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water, sweet tea or juice. The duration of one course is three weeks. A preventive course is carried out one in the spring and one in the autumn.
Method of using bee moth in the treatment of respiratory diseases and respiratory viral infections
Method of using bee moth for adults and children over 14 years of age: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth for children under 14 years of age: the number of drops corresponds to the number of years (7 years - 7 drops). Take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water, sweet tea or juice. The duration of one course is three weeks. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Wax moth extract for use in cardiovascular diseases
bee moth tincture for use in the treatment of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias (tachycardia, extrasystole, bradycardia), coronary heart disease, hypertension, myocarditis of various etiologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system)
Wax moth extract causes a sustained reduction in blood pressure by 10-14% and has a cardioprotective effect.
Wax moth extract is used in combination therapy of coronary heart disease and myocarditis of various etiologies. Wax moth extract increases the strength of heart contractions.
Wax moth extract is used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia
Wax moth extract is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and vein blockage.
bee moth tincture method of use: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 15 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months. 3-4 courses are conducted throughout the year. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth in gynecology
Method of using bee moth for infertility, anemia, menopausal disorders, etc.
Method of using bee moth - Wax moth extract in obstetrics and gynecology is used in the treatment of infertility, anemia, and menopausal disorders. When taking wax moth extract, the normal structure of endometrial cells is restored, sleep and psyche are normalized.
Method of using bee moth: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 15 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks.
It should be remembered that in gynecology, bee moth extract is taken not only in the form of drops, but are candles that contain bee moth extract and propolis; such candles are extremely effective in the prevention and treatment of diseases. The dosage and duration of treatment with suppositories is determined by the attending physician.
Method of using bee moth for cancer diseases
Wax moth extract acts as a powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant, as well as an adjuvant that relieves intoxication of the body after treatment with chemicals. As an antioxidant, wax moth extract is good to take together with propolis extract; together they effectively reduce the amount of free radicals and oxidants. It is used only in combination with basic treatment, usually after chemotherapy.
Method of using bee moth: for every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, followed by a break of one to two weeks. The duration of treatment is at least a year. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth in andrology
Method of using bee moth for prostate adenoma, low sperm motility, impotence, etc.
How to use bee moth: For every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, followed by a break of one to two weeks. The duration of treatment is at least a year. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth during the recovery period after operations and injuries
Wax moth extract contains enzymes that prevent the formation of adhesions and scars. This makes wax moth extract very useful during the recovery period after operations and injuries.
How to use bee moth: For every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months, followed by a break of one to two weeks. The duration of treatment is at least a year. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the results of regular medical examination.
Method of using bee moth by athletes, as well as people after heavy physical exertion.
How to use bee moth: For every 10 kg of body weight, take 3 drops, take three times a day 30 minutes before meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment is three months.