Clover white, pink, red like a honey plant
Clover white honey plantMeadow and pasture plants honey plants clover white, pink, red
The honey plant clover is widely distributed in wet meadows and is cultivated as a fodder plant. Clover honey plant with which you can improve the honey base of the apiary. Clover honey productivity is high, bees collect high quality honey and pollen from clover. There are many types of clover growing in the meadows, which are visited by bees, bees are the main pollinators of clovers. Clover as a honey plant has a number of features.
- Clover white honey plant (clover creeping honey plant)
- Clover red honey plant (meadow clover honey plant)
- Clover pink honey plant
- Persian clover, shabdar honey plants
- Clover hybrid honey plants
- Clover Caucasian honey plant
- Mountain clover - honey plants
- Clover golden honey plants
- Clover medium honey plants
- clover honey
- Clover white honey plant (creeping clover like honey plant) white clover like honey plant
Clover white as a honey plant
White clover as a honey plant is a perennial herbaceous plant, quite often found in the legume family (Fabaceae). Clover is a white honey plant with creeping rooting shoots 10-25 cm high. Therefore, white clover is also called creeping clover. White clover leaves are compound, trifoliate, with obovate leaflets. Small clover flowers of moth type collected in spherical white fragrant heads located on long peduncles. In Russia, white clover honey plant is found everywhere. White clover grows like a honey plant in pastures, meadows, pastures, and occupies abandoned arable land. White clover is a honey plant that grows well on highly compacted soils along roads, dams, trails, streets.
White clover as a honey plant
Some beekeepers have a question clover white honey plant or not? Answer white clover as a honey plant reviews of beekeepers about the honey productivity of white clover are high. White clover is a honey plant that blooms from late May - early June, white clover blooms throughout the summer. When white clover blooms in a certain area can be determined by counting 50 days after the coltsfoot blooms. White clover has a high honey content, flowers produce a lot of nectar, which is available for collection by bees, unlike red clover, so bees actively visit white clover flowers. White clover honey productivity depends on the weather. The secretion of white nectar by clover flowers depends on soil moisture and air temperature. At temperatures above 20-25°C, with high relative humidity, the honey productivity of white clover is the highest, under such conditions, nectar is best released in white clover flowers. White clover as a honey plant honey productivity averages from 50 to 120 kg per 1 hectare of continuous grass. White clover as a honey plant is so good that in some regions it is the main honey plant.
Honey plant white clover is also valuable for bees as a pollen-bearing plant. Bees willingly collect pollen from white clover. The color of pollen from white clover is brown.
It can be added that white clover is a creeping honey plant, it is not in vain that this honey plant is called creeping clover, bees on white clover can work even after the meadow has been partially mowed down or after cattle have been grassed, since some of the flowers will certainly survive being close to the ground and the bees are all will still visit the flowers. True, in this case, creeping clover honey productivity is much lower and we can talk about a supporting bribe.
White clover is a honey plant that can quickly increase the honey base around the apiary by overseeding it in the meadows.
Clover honey is white, light in color, transparent, very fragrant, with a good taste, this honey is one of the best varieties of light flower honey. When crystallized, honey turns white.
The pollen from the white clover that the bees collect is brown pollen, which the bees carry in abundance to the hive. Pollen from white clover is rich in trace elements and is actively used in apitherapy. Photo Bee collects honey from white clover, creeping clover honey plant
White clover is used in folk medicine and has tonic, analgesic, tonic, antitoxic and wound healing properties. Infusion and tincture of white clover flower heads are used for colds, women's diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, hernia, suffocation, gout pain, poisoning, and as a general tonic.
Clover red honey plant (meadow clover honey plant)
Red clover as a honey plant is a biennial or perennial melliferous herbaceous plant reaching a height of 15-60 cm with complex trifoliate leaves of an elliptical leaf shape, with wide triangular stipules. The flowers of the red clover honey plant are small, moth-like, collected in spherical heads of lilac-red color with wrappers. Trifoliate leaves of red clover often have whitish spots on the leaflets. Clover meadow honey plant common in Europe and Asia, in Russia clover distributed in Siberia, the Far East, in the European part. Red clover honey plant grows in moderately moist meadows and clearings. Clover is a very valuable fodder plant, but its seed productivity is weak.
Clover red honey plant is controversial. Beekeepers often have questions whether bees like red clover, why red clover is a bad honey plant, red clover is a good honey plant or not, red clover honey plant or not, do bees collect nectar from red clover or not, can a conditionally Central Russian bee collect honey from red clover , which bees take nectar from red clover, whether red clover is a good plant, and in general whether red clover is a honey plant or not. These and many more similar questions arise for various reasons, but not least because of the structure of the flower - the nectar is at the bottom of a long flower tube and not all bees have a proboscis long enough to collect all the nectar. Curiously, bees collect nectar from flower tubes that are longer than their proboscis. The longest proboscis is in bees of a gray mountain Caucasian breed, in addition, these bees love to collect nectar from leguminous plants, so these bees take nectar from red clover and collect clover pollen from them. Central Russian bees take nectar from red clover reluctantly, due to their pedigree, they prefer linden, buckwheat, heather - honey plants that do not bloom for long, but produce a lot of nectar. In other breeds, bees take nectar from red clover, as from an ordinary honey plant. In fact, red clover is a good honey plant.
Red clover is a good honey plant and it is worth considering in more detail the qualities of red clover as a honey plant.
Red clover as a honey plant flowering time. Red clover honey plant blooms in June - July and blooms for 30-45 days, cold and cloudy weather can prolong the flowering period of red clover. When red clover blooms in a particular area, you can find out by counting 69 days from the start of coltsfoot flowering. The red clover honey plant has a honey productivity of 65 to 200 kg per 1 hectare of grass. The honey productivity of red clover is higher than that of other types of clover. However, the honey productivity of red clover is not always high. Red clover flowers secrete nectar, as a rule, at any temperature, but best of all at a temperature of 24-28 C, red clover honey productivity can be interrupted by drought and a long absence of precipitation, dry air. Clover meadow honey plant is possible for the second half of summer and autumn, if we mean double-cut clover. In this case, clover can be used for livestock and bees. red clover aftermath as a honey plant allows bees to build up a young bee for wintering bees.
Bees willingly collect red clover pollen. Even Central Russian bees can bring a lot of red clover pollen; they carry chocolate-colored pollen. Moreover, a number of scientists prove that bees of local breeds with short proboscises perfectly pollinate red clover, in no way inferior to Caucasian bees, preferring to collect pollen from clover, rather than nectar. Long-proboscis bees, on the contrary, prefer to collect nectar from red clover, rather than collect pollen from it. Thus, for the pollination of red clover, it is quite possible to use Central Russian, Carpathian, Karnik bees, and not only Caucasian bees. For reliable pollination of red clover, 3 hives with strong bee colonies are set per 1 hectare (the strength of the family is at least 4 kg). Hives are taken out 1 - 2 days before flowering or at the very beginning of flowering. Bees are trained to visit red clover. Use bait crops, which can increase seed yield by 25-30% if properly placed.
Pollination of clover by honey bees
They also bring bee colonies with a large amount of brood, hang a pollen trap to collect clover pollen.
A bee collects honey from pink clover Honey from red clover is reddish-yellow in color, crystallizes relatively slowly, fragrant, sometimes slightly viscous, with a delicate taste.
Pink clover honey plant (pink clover honey plant)
Pink clover is a honey plant from the legume family (Fabaceae) 30-80 cm high with an ascending stem. Clover leaves are compound, trifoliate, with rhombic-elliptical leaflets and lanceolate pointed stipules. Pink clover flower heads are spherical, pink-white, fragrant, on long peduncles. The clover corolla is initially pale pink or almost white, but later becomes pink. Therefore, there is an opinion that white clover becomes pink, which is not true. The pink clover honey plant is widespread everywhere. Pink clover grows like a honey plant in meadows, glades, fallow fields, can grow among crops, in vegetable gardens, grows on the banks of rivers and lakes. Some beekeepers have a question, is pink clover a honey plant? It can be answered that pink clover as a honey plant is considered a more productive and reliable honey plant than white clover honey plant. However, on my the comparison is incorrect, the honey productivity of white and pink clover does not differ much, although in favor of pink clover. The main thing is that pink clover as a honey plant is more reliable than red clover, since the nectar from the flowers of both pink and white clover is easily extracted by bees.
Pink clover honey plant blooms from June to September. Pink clover honey productivity in favorable weather is at the level of 100 - 125 kg per 1 hectare of grass. Late pink clover flowers produce less nectar. Honey from pink clover is the same as from white clover - fragrant, transparent, with a good taste.
Pink clover for bees is not only a good honey plant, but also a pollen plant - bees willingly collect clover pollen. Fringe with clover pink brown color.
Pink clover has a mild laxative, diuretic, emollient, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. An infusion of herbs is used for colds, tonsillitis, fever, "angina pectoris" (angina pectoris), aches all over the body (multiple myositis). Fresh leaves are applied to the skin in inflammatory processes.
Persian clover, shabdar honey plants
Persian clover, shabdar honey plant (T. resupinatus L.) - from the legume family. Persian clover has many inflorescences on long creeping stems, which allows clover to bloom for a long time for 1-1.5 months. Blue-pink clover flowers, collected in round heads, attract bees well with nectar and pollen. The nectar productivity of one flower is 0.045-0.093 mg of sugar, the duration of nectar release is 2-3 days. Depending on the growing conditions, Persian clover's honey productivity ranges from 150 to 355 kg/ha.
As a fodder crop, shabdar is grown in its pure form, as well as in a mixture and under the cover of spring crops. After mowing on the green mass, the clover grows and blooms again. An increase in the area under Persian clover increases the food supply for beekeeping.
Clover hybrid honey plants
Clover hybrid - Trifolium hybridum (L.)
Clover hybrid biennial or perennial fodder and honey plant inClover hybrid honey plant
reaches a height of 20 - 40 cm, the stems of hybrid clover are ascending, slightly branched. The leaves of the hybrid clover are long-leaved, light green in color. Clover leaves are obovate or broadly elliptical in shape. Clover hybrid as a honey plant grows in water meadows. Clover hybrid is widespread throughout Europe.
Clover is a hybrid honey plant, the nectar of which is easily obtained by bees due to the short corolla tube. Clover corolla off-white, later pink. Clover hybrid blooms from mid-May to late July. Clover hybrid honey productivity reaches 125 kg per 1 hectare of grass. Light clover honey. Bees collect a lot of brown pollen from hybrid clover.
Clover Caucasian honey plant
Clover Caucasian honey plant Under the name of the Caucasian clover, we know a fickle, similar clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. B.). The name behind it has been preserved in the United States, where enterprising Americans brought clover from the Caucasus and are still widely used as a pasture and honey plant. This is one of the traditional clovers growing on mountain pastures in Georgia. Clover grows in the meadows of the Rostov region and in the south of Ukraine.
Clover flower heads in a developed state are 15 to 40 mm long.
Clover flowers are pink with a short tube, nectar is easily accessible to bees. The honey-bearing capacity of Caucasian clover is over 60 kg, calculated from 1 hectare of continuous herbage. Caucasian clover blooms in July.
Mountain clover - honey plants
Mountain clover (Trifolium montanum) is a perennial plant with a taproot woody root. Mountain clover is common in Central and Eastern Europe.
Mountain clover grows in dry meadows, in thickets of shrubs, on the edges. Clover is a mountain plant up to 60 cm high, with an ascending or erect, silky-pubescent stem. Clover leaves have the shape of trifoliate leaves from oblong-ovate to lanceolate, serrated along the entire edge, their underside with dense adpressed pubescence. Clover mountain honey plant. Clover is well visited by bees to collect nectar and pollen. Clover blooms from June. Clover flowers are white or with a slight yellowish tint.
In folk medicine, the aerial part of the mountain clover, collected during the flowering period, is used for stomach pain, hemorrhoids, and whites.
Mountain clover is a mediocre fodder plant. Despite the fact that the aerial part of this species is not inferior in nutritional value to other clovers, its economic importance is negligible, since it is practically not eaten due to the stiffness and pubescence of leaves and stems.
Clover golden honey plants
Golden clover (Trifolium aureum Poll.)
The stem of golden clover is straight or ascending, simple or branched from the middle, reaches a height of 20-40 cm. Golden clover is common throughout Europe, grows in the Caucasus , found in Asia Minor. In Russia, it grows in the European part, in Western Siberia, in the North Caucasus; as an adventive plant, it is found in the south of the Far East. Grows throughout central Russia.
Golden clover grows in fields, meadows, edges, mainly on light soils, on coastal sands and pebbles.
Golden clover leaves are oblong-obovate to wedge-shaped, in the upper part along the edge it is unclear and short-toothed, with petioles. Clover inflorescences are numerous, concentrated in the upper part of the stem and branches. Clover flowers are yellow, turning brown after flowering.
Golden clover blooms from June to August; seeds ripen from July.
Clover medium honey plants
Clover medium - Trifolium medium (L.)
Clover average melliferous plant. Perennial herbaceous plant. In Russia, it grows in the European part, is found in the North Caucasus, in the south of Western Siberia. Clover is an ordinary plant for the regions of Central Russia. Stems of medium clover reach a length of 20 - 40 cm, ascending, slightly branched or unbranched. The leaves of the medium clover are mostly stemmed. Clover leaves are oblong - elliptical in shape, blunt or pointed.
The flowers of the medium clover are collected in the head. Clover corolla carmine red. Medium clover blooms from mid-June to late August.
Clover honey
Clover honey has two varieties: honey from red clover - reddish-yellow color, crystallizes relatively slowly; honey from white clover is light in color, fragrant, with a pleasant, delicate taste. Read more in the material Clover honey