Salvia as a honey plant
Salvia is a honey plant that is often found in the south, a very valuable honey plant for regions with a dry climate. Salvia honey productivity is high and stable. Honey from any kind of Salvia is very fragrant and tasty.
- meadow Salvia as a honey plant
- Whorled Salvia like a honey plant
- Salvia officinalis as a honey plant
- Clary Salvia as a honey plant
- Salvia wild like a honey plant
- oak Salvia as a honey plant
- Salvia ringed like a honey plant
Salvia meadow honey plant
Meadow Salvia honey plant (Salvia pratensis L.) is a perennial melliferous plant from the mint family. Salvia as a honey plant is valuable for bees because it can grow in dry meadows and give nectar to bees during a period of drought. Basal leaves are long-petiolate, oblong-ovate, wrinkled, unequally toothed; stem - few, sessile. Inflorescence spike-shaped, sometimes paniculate. The corolla of the flower is two-lipped, with a heart-shaped curved upper lip, violet-blue in color. The length of the corolla is 18-25 mm, it is 3 times larger than the calyx. The flower has 4 stamens, movably articulated with long arcuately bent connectives; one end of the ligament with half of the anther is raised to the upper lip. The nectary disc is located at the base of the ovary.
Salvia as a honey plant whose flowers produce abundant nectar and are well visited by bees, which, in addition to nectar, also collect yellow pollen. In the Steppe, Forest-Steppe, less often Polissya of Ukraine, Salvia as a melliferous plant grows in meadows, in the steppe, thickets of shrubs, on forest edges. Salvia meadow blooms in late May - early July for 40-45 days, meadow Salvia is a good honey plant. One Salvia flower produces an average of 0.80 mg of sugar in nectar per day. The honey productivity of meadow Salvia from 1 ha of continuous sowing is 100-250 kg.
Salvia whorled honey plant for bees
Whorled Salvia honey plant - Salvia verticillata L. Perennial melliferous plant of the Lamiaceae family, 20 to 100 cm high. Salvia root is powerful, woody. Salvia stem simple or branched, pubescent. Leaves are ovate or heart-shaped. Salvia flowers are lilac-pink or violet-blue, arranged in whorls. Salvia as a honey plant grows in dry meadows, near housing and outbuildings, along railways and highways, along embankments.
Salvia whorled honey plant that blooms Salvia in July. Bees are very active in collecting pollen and nectar from them. The secretion of nectar is sometimes so abundant that it fills the corolla tubes by one third. Salvia honey productivity is up to 300 kg per 1 ha. In the Non-Chernozem zone, this plant gives only a supporting honey flow. In what weather Salvia secretes nectar, Salvia secretes nectar best in hot and moderately humid weather. Salvia honey is amber in color, transparent, of high taste quality.
Salvia reduces perspiration, weakens the activity of the mammary glands, has an astringent, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. An aqueous infusion of leaves is used for colds and as an astringent, disinfectant for diarrhea of various origins. An infusion of the leaves is drunk to reduce profuse sweat and weaken the activity of the mammary glands during the period of weaning children. As an external anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, Salvia infusion is used for rinsing with tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat and with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Salvia infusion is used for washing and compresses for poorly healing purulent wounds.
Salvia medicinal honey plant
Honey plant Salvia officinalis is a perennial honey plant, common in the Crimean and Poltava regions of Ukraine as an essential oil and medicinal plant.
Salvia flowers are purple-blue, occasionally whitish, collected in compact inflorescences.
Harvest forms in the second year of life (the tops with inflorescences are mowed).
Salvia flowers attract bees well, excrete up to 1 mg of sugar with nectar. The honey productivity of Salvia officinalis in the Poltava region is 130-160 kg/ha. In what weather does Salvia produce nectar - a good honey flow from Salvia happens in warm weather, Salvia as a honey plant blooms for 30-35 days, starting from the third decade of May to July. Salvia officinalis as a honey plant can be grown to increase the honey base. Having planted Salvia as a honey plant on uncomfortable land, Salvia can grow in one place for 5-6 years. Salvia begins to bloom and bear honey in the second year. Honey from Salvia is dark golden in color with a peculiar color and smell. The honey collection from Salvia is stable.
Clary Salvia honey plant
Clary Salvia honey plant is grown in the Crimea. The essential oil is obtained from fresh flowers. The culture is biennial, blooms and forms a crop in the second year. Salvia flowers are of two-lipped type, collected in racemes, pale pink petals. Clary Salvia for honey bees, which is characterized by high honey productivity at the level of 400 kg / ha, the collection of nectar per day is 3-4 kg per family.
Muscat Salvia for honey bees is very good. Clary Salvia honey is high quality, very fragrant. Salvia is grown as a honey plant in wide-row crops, the seeding rate is 6-7 kg/ha.
Salvia wild honey plant (Salvia oak honey plant)
Honey plants are ubiquitous
Wild Salvia honey plant (oak Salvia) - Salvia nemorosa L.
Perennial herbaceous melliferous plant of the labiatae family (Labiatae) 30-60 cm high with tetrahedral erect stems. The leaves are opposite, oblong-lanceolate, crenate, wrinkled, strongly odorous. The flowers are two-lipped, blue-violet, with purple bracts. The upper lip of the corolla is helmet-shaped, the lower lip is three-lobed. Stamens two, pistil with bifid stigma. Ovary superior, four-lobed. The fruit is four nuts. It is found in the European part of Russia (except for the North), in the Caucasus, in Siberia. It grows on the steppe slopes of hills and mountains, along the edges of forests, in gardens, along roads, along river banks.
Salvia blooms in June - August (45-60 days). The honey productivity of oak Salvia is 110-280 kg/ha.
Wild Salvia suppresses perspiration, weakens the activity of the mammary glands and has astringent, soothing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. An aqueous infusion of fresh or dry herbs is used in case of lack of appetite, pain in the stomach, nausea, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary incontinence, throat diseases, and especially in case of heart neurosis and neurasthenia, as well as colds. Crushed fried nuts are eaten with palpitations (tachyarrhythmias) and dysentery. Externally, Salvia infusion is used for rinsing with inflammatory processes in the throat and mouth. Crushed fresh leaves are applied to tumor formations and to wounds for their healing.
Salvia ringed honey plant
Salvia ringed as a honey plant is a wonderful plant. Salvia blooms from June to late August. Salvia as a honey plant is a reliable and unpretentious plant. Salvia ringed honey productivity can reach 900 kg per hectare of continuous herbage. Ringed Salvia can be planted in spring and autumn, in inconvenient lands, where it grows well. Salvia begins to bloom in the first year of life and gives a honey flow. Salvia ringed plant unpretentious grows on any soil, does not require special care, can drown out weeds. Even in drought, Salvia ring does not significantly reduce honey productivity.