Sow thistle field honey plant widespread everywhere
Sow thistle field - Sonchus arvensis L. Sometimes sow thistle (S. oleraceus L.) is found. Sow thistle field - sow thistle yellow - a perennial or annual plant of the aster family (Asteraceae) 30-100 cm high with white milky juice. It has an upright root and a branched stem.
The stem is upright. The lower leaves are pinnatipartite, with a large triangular terminal lobe, dull, gray, finely serrated-toothed along the edges, with an arrow-shaped stem-bearing base, the upper leaves are sessile, serrated. All flowers in baskets are light yellow, reed, the ends of the reeds are five-toothed. Baskets are collected in small umbrella-shaped shields. The fruits are light brown achenes with a white tuft of simple hairs. It grows in fields and gardens, in garbage places, along roads. Sow thistle field and sow thistle garden weed which is difficult to get rid of. When weeding, the remaining parts of the roots give new shoots.
Features of sow thistle as a honey plant
Sow thistle field and sow thistle garden is a good honey plant. Both types of honey sow thistle bloom from June to autumn. Flowers of sow thistle field are yellow, collected in baskets with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Bees take nectar and pollen from the flowers of sow thistle. Under favorable conditions, the honey productivity of sow thistle can reach 380 kg per 1 ha of continuous grass.
Sow thistle honey
What color honey from sow thistle? Sow thistle field honey is of good quality, the color of sow thistle honey is light yellow, with a pleasant smell, it does not crystallize for a long time, therefore field sow thistle honey is suitable for wintering bees as winter food. Sow thistle honey crystallisation is very small, white, greasy.
Sow thistle as pollen
Sow thistle as a pollen is a good plant. Pollen grains of sow thistle field are three-pore, flattened. The length of the polar axis is 33-37.4 microns, the equatorial diameter is 38.5-41.8 microns. In outline hexagonal at the pole, angularly flattened at the equator. The pores are oval, the largest diameter is 8.8 μm. Pore gaps with grooves, their diameter is equal to the diameter of the pores. The thickness of the exnna with spines is 10-10.3 µm. The spines are long, with sharply drawn ends, 4.6-5 µm high. The height of the rods of the upper layer is 5.3 µm, the middle layer is 4.3 µm: the inner rod layer is visible only under the immersion objective. The equatorial ridges are clearly visible, they have 5-6 spines with finely extended and pointed ends. Sow thistle field has pollen of dark yellow color.
Sow thistle field medicinal properties
Sow thistle has diuretic, mild laxative, choleretic, milk-purifying and anti-inflammatory properties. Water infusion of thistle is used for inflammatory processes of internal organs (stomach, intestines, liver, lungs), jaundice, hemorrhoids, chest pain and as a means of increasing milk production in lactating women. Fresh and boiled herbs are used in the form of poultices for inflammatory painful seals.