Tatarian maple honey plant and Tatarian maple honey
A large number of different maples, both local and imported, grow on the territory of our country, almost all of them are spring honey and pollen bearers. But of all this variety, Tatarian maple, or Tatarian maple in other words, is one of the best honey plants. Tatarian maple has a number of features that make its use in forest plantations and landscaping of populated areas a significant component of the honey-bearing base of the apiary, especially in the southern regions. We will consider the features of Tatarian maple as a honey plant.
- Honey plant Tatarian maple description
- What does Tatarian maple look like?
- Where does Tatarian maple grow?
- Tatarian maple as a honey plant
- Honey productivity of Tatarian maple
- Where is Tatarian maple honey collected?
- Features of Tatarian maple as a honey plant
- When does Tatarian maple bloom?
- Tatarian maple as a pollen carrier
- Tatarian maple honey or Tatarian maple honey
- Tatarian maple honey description
- What does Tatarian maple honey look like?
- Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties and contraindications
- Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties or Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties
- What are the benefits of Tatarian maple honey for humans?
- Tatarian maple honey contraindications or Tatarian maple honey contraindications
Honey plant Tatarian maple description
What does Tatarian maple look like?
What does Tatarian maple look like? The honey plant Tatarian maple, or otherwise Tatarian maple, is usually a low tree that can reach a height of 12 m or a large shrub, but as a rule, Tatarian maple in plantings reaches 4-5 meters in height.
The Tatarian maple honey plant has smooth dark gray bark.
Tatarian maple leaves are oblong-ovate, three-lobed, doubly serrate along the edge. The color of the leaves is dark green above and light green below, the veins of Tatarian maple leaves are pubescent. In autumn, Tatarian maple leaves turn red or yellow.
Tatarian maple has white flowers that bloom after the leaves appear. Tatarian maple begins to bloom at the age of 5-7 years. Bees willingly collect nectar from it - Tatarian maple honey.
Tatarian maple lionfish are initially pink or red in color, then become yellow-brown. Tatarian maple seeds remain hanging on the tree for a long time, until frost sets in. Tatarian maple seeds remain viable for 2 years.
The root system of Tatarian maple is superficial and well developed, which allows it to bind the soil well on slopes. Tatarian maple is a very drought-resistant plant, which is distinguished by its high salt tolerance compared to other types of maples.
The honey plant Tatarian maple easily reproduces by seeds, root suckers, shoots, layering, and tolerates pruning well.
Where does Tatarian maple grow?
The honey plant Tatarian maple grows over a vast area from the Balkans to the Ural River, reaching the city of Orenburg. The northern border of the distribution of Tatarian maple begins from the city of Tula and reaches in the south to the North Caucasus.
Tatarian maple prefers to grow on fresh fertile chernozems; it grows well on clay or saline light chestnut soils. Tatarian maple can grow even on the driest solonetzic and rocky soils.
Tatarian maple is actively used for inclusion in forest shelterbelts, as well as for landscaping settlements.
The Tatarian maple honey plant is distinguished by its drought resistance, being ahead of all other maples in this regard, and at the same time, the Tatarian maple plant is a frost-resistant plant and is not damaged by frost. It can tolerate frosts well in the steppes, with temperatures dropping to 30-40 degrees Celsius, and can be frost-resistant even in the Siberian climate.
The Tatarian maple honey plant is a shade-tolerant crop that grows very well in height up to ten years of age. According to its biological characteristics, it grows well on the slopes of ravines, along ravines, in dry steppes and deserts.
The Tatarian maple honey plant is actively used to create shelterbelts in the steppes, mixed with white acacia, honey locust, common elm and small-leaved elm. In protective forest plantations, Tatarian maple plays the role of soil-protective undergrowth. In such plantings, Tatarian maple is well renewed by self-seeding and shoots; the longevity of Tatarian maple plantings reaches 30-60 years. Tatarian maple is a good submountain species for oak forest plantations. In protective afforestation, Tatarian maple can be used throughout the territory of the former USSR, in semi-desert, steppe and foothill zones.
The Tatarian maple honey plant can be successfully used for landscaping populated areas, for creating edges, hedges, single and group plantings in parks; Tatarian maple suffers little from air pollution by gases, while releasing volatile fractions of phytoncides that have prostistocidal properties.
Tatarian maple as a honey plant
Tatarian maple as a honey plant is a valuable plant, with white-green flowers of Tatarian maple, which reach a diameter of 5 - 8 mm, bees willingly collect nectar and pollen. During the flowering period, Tatarian maple is literally strewn with flowers, which are collected in corymbs.
Honey productivity of Tatarian maple
It grows at the level of 80 - 150 kg of honey per hectare, subject to continuous growth. By the time the Tatarian maple tree begins to bloom, the bees are already gaining strength after wintering, and the honey collection from the Tatarian maple tree prevents the families from entering a swarm state before the white acacia begins to flower, which makes it possible to obtain strong colonies before the honey collection from the acacia tree.
Where is Tatarian maple honey collected?
Honey collection from Tatarian maple is considered supportive. During the Tatarian maple flowering period, bees collect 1-2 kg of honey per day. But experienced beekeepers in Tatarian maple thickets can receive 15-20 kg of marketable Tatarian maple honey from a bee colony. So Tatarian maple honey is collected in areas where there is a lot of Tatarian maple growing, as a rule, in the forests and shelterbelts of Ukraine, Moldova, the south of Russia and in the forests of Belarus.
Features of Tatarian maple as a honey plant
Tatarian maple is a good honey plant, which has a number of its own characteristics.
Among the features of Tatarian maple as a honey plant, the following can be distinguished.
- When the Tatarian maple blooms. Tatarian maple is one of the types of maple that blooms later than all other maples. While most maples begin to bloom before the leaves bloom or simultaneously with the leaves, Tatarian maple, as a honey plant, begins to bloom after the leaves have bloomed, so Tatarian maple begins to bloom in May - June, depending on the region and weather. For example, in the Novocherkassk region the Tatarian maple blooms most often from May 12 and the Tatarian maple blooms until May 26, and in Belarus the Tatarian maple blooms in June. Therefore, despite the relatively low honey productivity of Tatarian maple in relation to other maples, honey yield from Tatarian maple is always more stable and higher when compared with other maples.
- The flowering period of Tatarian maple as a honey plant lasts for 14 -25 days, depending on the weather and region.
- As a rule, the flowering of Tatarian maple occurs in the period before the flowering of white acacia, which is a stronger honey plant. However, nectar production from Tatarian maple flowers is more stable than that of white acacia, which contributes to a more stable honey flow from Tatarian maple than from white acacia when weather can interrupt it. For example, the last few years have not been very favorable for flowering and honey flow from white acacia.
- In addition, the peculiarity of Tatarian maple as a honey plant is that it is a low-growing tree or tall shrub, and therefore in forest belts Tatarian maple is cut down for firewood as a last resort. And first of all, white acacia is cut out. Therefore, in some areas, Tatarian maple is the main honey plant in the spring.
For beekeeping purposes, Tatarian maple as a honey plant is valuable because it quickly increases the honey supply of an apiary located in the steppe and semi-desert zone. Tatarian maple begins to bloom quite quickly - in the fifth or sixth year of life. Tatarian maple is not picky about soil and grows quickly even in saline soil. Tatarian maple as a honey plant can be included in forest protection plantings, together with other honey plants, and planted in ravines, gullies, and slopes. Tatarian maple can be actively used for landscaping populated areas, thereby increasing the honey supply base of urban beekeeping.
For beekeeping purposes, Tatarian maple as a honey plant can be used in plantings with other maples, which helps eliminate the dead period in the spring and the stable growth of bee colonies after wintering.
Tatarian maple as a pollen carrier
Bees readily collect pollen from Tatarian maples, forming yellow pollen. It is important that all maples are good spring pollen bearers, which can provide bees not only with pollen for the development of bee colonies after wintering, but also for obtaining marketable pollen in apiaries.
Bees can collect marketable honey from Tatarian maple trees; Tatarian maple honey is considered a type of May honey.
Tatarian maple honey or Tatarian maple honey
Tatarian maple honey description
Tatarian maple honey is considered the highest grade honey. Tatarian maple honey description of its color, taste, aroma, consistency.
What does Tatarian maple honey look like?
Tatarian maple honey is a dark variety of honey, its color ranges from brown to brown. Tatarian maple honey is lighter than buckwheat honey. Another feature of Tatarian maple honey is its ability to change color as it is stored. Over time, Tatarian maple honey becomes darker.
The aroma of Tatarian maple honey is pronounced, honey with an almond note.
The taste of Tatarian maple honey is sweet, slightly tart, with a slight bitterness; the honey leaves a pronounced aftertaste that lasts for a long time.
After pumping, Tatarian maple honey is thick and viscous, and may not crystallize for a long time; charging begins 6-7 months after pumping; according to some estimates, it can remain liquid for a year, after which it begins to crystallize.
Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties and contraindications
Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties or Tatarian maple honey beneficial properties
Tatarian maple honey has beneficial properties due to the fact that Tatarian maple honey contains a large amount of mineral elements and vitamins.
Honey Tatarian maple has a good antioxidant effect.The glycemic index of Tatarian maple honey is not very high. Tatarian maple honey contains up to 50% fructose, approximately 5% maltose and approximately 30% glucose. This composition of Tatarian maple honey allows it to be consumed by people with diabetes (if this is agreed upon by the individual diet).
It must be said that there are no large pure stands of Tatarian maple. As a rule, Tatarian maple as a honey plant grows in mixed plantings with white acacia, honey locust, viburnum, hawthorn, rowan and other trees and shrubs that bloom in the spring, therefore, as a rule, Tatarian maple honey is combined, mixed with honey from other spring honey plants, which can vary its taste, aroma and color.
What are the benefits of Tatarian maple honey for humans?
It is believed that Tatarian maple honey is beneficial for humans; it has a general strengthening effect and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Tatarian maple honey is beneficial, it strengthens the nervous system, promotes healthy and sound sleep. Tatarian maple honey has many more beneficial properties like any other type of flower honey. The most important thing is that Tatarian maple honey is natural; natural honey is best purchased directly from a beekeeper.
Tatarian maple honey contraindications or Tatarian maple honey contraindications
Tatarian maple honey is contraindicated in its use because it should not be taken by people allergic to honey. Otherwise, Tatarian maple honey has no contraindications. Tatarian maple honey may be contraindicated for use in large quantities by people with diabetes; such people should adhere to a diet.