Kandy with soy flour recipes for feeding bees

Kandy with soy flour recipes for feeding bees

In spring, the bees leave wintering weakened, and if the spring is cold, there are problems with bringing fresh pollen to the hive, which creates problems with the upbringing of a new generation of bees, which will replace the overwintered bees. If the natural sources of fresh pollen are very weak or the weather does not allow bees to bring pollen to the hive, then beekeepers use protein supplements pollen substitutes for bees. There are many recipes for protein feeding for bees in order to develop strong colonies for the main honey harvest. Recently, the use of soy flour for feeding bees has become popular. In this article, we will look at several different recipes for candy with soy flour, and also find out why soy flour for bees is a healthy protein food for bees and which soy flour is used for bees.


  • Soy flour - protein food for bees
  • Protein patties with soy flour recipes
  • Soy-pollen mixture for protein feeding of bees in early spring
  • What soy flour is used to feed the bees?
  • For bees we make protein candy from soy flour and yeast
  • Preparation of protein supplements for bees - protein candy



Soy flour - protein food for bees

Recently, soybean flour has become a popular ingredient for preparing bee food. The popularity of feeding bees with soy flour is caused by the following factors.
Soy has a large amount of lipid-protein food components, and is also a source of many phytochemicals. The composition of soy flour for bees contains many biologically active substances that can have both positive and negative effects on the body, among such biologically active substances are phytoestrogens, protease inhibitors, fetates, saponins, phytosterols and others. Soy flour is a valuable source of proteins and fats that are not inferior to other exogenous protein-fat components, including those of synthetic origin, which are used to feed bees. The composition of soy flour contains about 16-27 g% of lipids, as well as 36.2-40.3 g% of protein.
Soy flour contains dietary fiber, including soluble, soy fats include polyunsaturated fatty acids that reduce sugars, natural antioxidants: tocopherols and flavonoids.
Soy flour for bees has a high level of protein absorption - more than 90%, this is due to the fact that soy proteins (A-glycenin and B-glycenin) belong to vegetable casein, which has the same effect on metabolic processes in the body as casein - main component of cow's milk.
The composition of soy flour fat contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid - 50.0-55.0%, linolenic acid - 6.0-10.0%, arachidonic acid - 0.2-0.5%).
In terms of nutritional value, content of fat, digestible protein and essential amino acids, soy flour surpasses vetch, peas, lupins, wheat, corn, oats and other crops.
Soy flour for bees is good because the composition of soy protein which it contains contains the whole complex of amino acids, which brings it closer to the protein of meat or milk. Protein from soy flour is able not only to be well absorbed by the body, but also contribute to better absorption of other vegetable proteins if they have a poorer set of amino acids. The combination of protein from soy flour and other vegetable proteins in the bee food, you can get 2 times better digestibility of proteins from other plants.
For all these reasons, the use of soy flour for bees as a component of protein protein food allows not only to provide bees with protein food due to soy protein, but also to use amino acids and other useful elements from other components of protein food for bees more fully.
Thus, soy does not replace pollen or other pollen substitutes, but is able to complement them well and provide bees with a more complete protein food in early spring.

Protein candy with soy flour cooking recipes

Soy-pollen mixture for protein feeding of bees in early spring

Farrar protein supplement recipe. In the spring, the beekeeper faces the task of quickly growing a large mass of bees for the subsequent spring honey collection. For this, beekeepers use various kinds of protein supplements. A soy-pollen mixture for protein feeding of bees in early spring from the experience of American beekeeping is proposed.

What is needed in order to prepare soy dough for bees. To prepare a protein supplement, take 1.8 kg of dry pollen, 13.6 kg of sugar syrup and 5.5 kg of soy flour, this is enough for 50 cakes of 450 grams each. The syrup is prepared in proportion to two parts of sugar, take one part of water. Before adding pollen to the syrup, it is moistened in 2.5 cups of water (pollen is poorly softened in syrup, but it is quickly diluted when moistened with water).
Then soy flour is poured into the syrup with pollen. The whole mass is kneaded until a homogeneous soy dough for bees is formed.
From this dough (candy), cakes are formed, which are laid out on top of the frames of the fed family. So that the soybean dough for the bees does not dry out, it is laid out in plastic bags. If there are a lot of dry pollen reserves, then for the preparation of a soy pollen mixture, pollen can be taken not 25%, but 50% or more, in which case less sugar syrup will be required.

The American beekeeper Farrar calculated that when feeding bees with such a mixture, the bees grow 6 times more brood than if the bees were fed with the same amount of pollen. At the same time, soy flour and pollen complement each other, and do not replace each other.
What soy flour is used to feed bees?
It must be remembered that the soy flour that American beekeepers use in this top dressing is soy flour obtained from soybeans from which the oil was squeezed out by the expelling method. In this method, crushed soybeans are subjected to high pressure in special machines, while most of the oil is removed. During this process, a high temperature develops, as a result of which the crushed grain is fried. As a result, soy flour obtained in this way contains from 5 to 7% fat.


What soy flour is used to feed bees?

What soy flour is used to feed bees? To feed the bees, soy flour after heat treatment is used. Why is this soybean meal used for bees after exposure to high temperatures?
As mentioned above, soy flour is a valuable protein food for bees, but soy contains not only a lot of useful substances, but it also contains anti-nutritional factors - a trypsin inhibitor; hemagglutinins; saponin (P-soy, sapogenol); urease; lipoxidase. All these substances impair the absorption of soy protein and can even lead to intoxication. But all anti-nutritional substances from the composition of soybeans belong to thermolabile proteins, and therefore are completely inactivated during heat treatment. Therefore, before preparing soy flour, it must be subjected to high-temperature processing. Simultaneously with the destruction of anti-nutritional substances, during the thermodynamic processing of soy, a change in the chemical composition and nutritional value occurs. For example, the energy nutritional value of soybean significantly increases, which reaches a value of up to 16 MJ, the amount of BEV, methionine, sugar, cystine increases, and protein digestibility increases.
For this reason, soy flour for bees is used after heat treatment of soybeans, and not soy flour obtained by conventional grinding.
Another important factor should be noted. In many cases, genetically modified soybeans are grown. We will not go into disputes whether it is dangerous to use genetically modified soybeans in feeding bees or not. For beekeepers, need to look for soy flour made from organic soybeans.

For bees we make candy from soy flour and yeast

Kandy with soy flour recipe - one of the recipes for making protein feed for bees in the spring is quite suitable for preparing protein kandy or soy dough for bees.
Soy flour for bees is used in the form of protein candy. For the preparation of protein candy, ingredients such as soy flour, last year's pollen, if any, baker's yeast, milk powder, powdered sugar and honey are used.
500 g soy flour
500 g of pollen, which is pre-ground in a coffee grinder, pollen is used if it is available, if it is not, then the protein supplement is prepared without pollen.
250 g bakery pressed yeast twisted in a meat grinder.
250 g of powdered milk, milk is skimmed - 0% fat.
1,750 kg powdered sugar
1 liter of honey.

Preparation of protein food for bees - protein candy

We take a large bowl, add powdered sugar, add the rest of the ingredients one by one, each time mix everything well with a spoon until smooth. To the resulting homogeneous mass, pour honey. Then we knead the dough until the dough floats, sticks to the hands, in general, just like preparing a standard candy for winter food.
After kneading the candy, it is packed in plastic bags of 500 g for laying out in hives. In the hives give 200-300 grams at a time. Several cuts are made on the bags so that the bees can take the protein candy.
Bees willingly eat such protein feeding, and develop well in spring. This top dressing contains everything essential for bees and is quite close in composition to natural proteins. At the same time, protein feeding is much cheaper than when buying specialized protein feed for bees.