Melilot as a honey plant - honey productivity and cultivation agrotechnics
Melilot honey plant Photo melilot as a honey plant is very important for bees. Bees collect a lot of honey and pollen from melilot. Beekeepers distinguish several types of melilot important for bees - white melilot, yellow melilot, toothed melilot and others. Melilot is not only a honey plant, but also an important fodder plant, melilot is a phytomeliorant that restores the fertility of saline soils, melilot is used as a green manure plant, melilot is a medicinal plant, and melilot also finds many other areas of application. In agriculture, one-year-old melilot and two-year-old melilot are used, which can be included in almost any crop rotation, as a green manure and phytomeliorative crop. The melilot honey plant has so many positive qualities that it is necessary to tell about it in more detail in the article. Read to the end - it will be interesting!
- Melilot yellow honey plant
- Melilot yellow honey plant description
- Melilot yellow like a honey plant
- Yellow melilot honey productivity
- Which melilot is the best honey plant white or yellow
- Melilot yellow honey plant agricultural technology
- Yellow melilot as a honey plant when to sow
- Melilot white honey plant
- Melilot white honey plant description
- Honey productivity of white melilot
- Melilot white honey plant cultivation agrotechnics
- Melilot officinalis application
- Melilot toothed honey plant
- Melilot annual honey plant
- Melilot Crimean honey plant
- Hairy melilot
- Melilot fragrant honey plant
- Melilot honey
Melilot yellow honey plant
Melilot yellow honey plant description
Melilot yellow honey plant description of its following is a biennial herbaceous plant of the legume family (Fabaceae) with a height of more than 1 meter, often thickets of yellow melilot reach 1.5 - 2 m in height, with a branched woody dense stem.
The leaves are alternate trifoliate, leaflets ovate or lanceolate, of which the middle one is on a longer petiole, the lateral ones are sessile, the stipules are lanceolate. Yellow melilot flowers are yellow in color and are collected in long and narrow racemes, each raceme can have from 30 to 70 flowers. The flowers are fragrant, with a pleasant smell that attracts bees. The fruit is an oval, wrinkled, single-seeded, yellow bean. Yellow melilot can often be found along roads on various kinds of wastelands, hillsides and ravines, on saline lands. Melilot grows well on stony, loamy, sandy soils, tolerates soil salinity well.
Melilot yellow is an excellent fodder plant, which is also a phytomeliorant. Beekeepers can successfully use it for sowing on the slopes of gullies, to strengthen the walls of ravines, on saline lands, where yellow melilot helps to reduce soil salinity and lead them into crop rotation in the future. Beekeepers can sow yellow melilot along the forest edges, in forest belts, in inconveniences. Melilot can be perfectly integrated into grain crop rotations when sown under the cover of other crops, such as barley, oats, phacelia, rapeseed and other crops. Melilot is an almost obligatory element in crop rotations in rice check fields. Melilot yellow can be used for reclamation and cultivation of various types of meadows. In addition, the yellow melilot has good medicinal qualities, so the yellow Melilot plots can also be used to collect medicinal raw materials.
Melilot yellow like a honey plant
As a honey plant, yellow melilot is valued for its early flowering period. To the question of yellow melilot when it releases nectar, you can answer that Melilot blooms 7-20 days earlier than white melilot, how much earlier depends on the region. Flowering of yellow melilot begins in the first half of June in the conditions of the Rostov region or in the 3rd decade of June in the conditions of the Leningrad region and lasts 35-41 days.
Yellow melilot honey productivity
The honey productivity of yellow melilot is 140-230 kg per 1 hectare of continuous thickets. The yellow melilot releases a particularly large amount of nectar in the second year of growth. The honey productivity of yellow melilot fluctuates during the flowering period, so the first flowers in the brush can release 3.1 mg of nectar (per 100 flowers), and the last flowers in the brush release 1.6 mg of nectar, the average nectar production of 100 flowers is 2.4 mg. Considering that there are more than 1 million flowers per 1 square meter, melilot yellow as a honey plant is a wonderful plant.
The most important factors affecting the honey productivity of yellow melilot are air temperature and air humidity. Yellow melilot flowers begin to release nectar at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius, the largest amount of nectar is released by yellow melilot flowers in clear calm weather at 25 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of 60%.
If during the honey harvest the temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius, then the yellow melilot stops producing nectar. Yellow melilot nectar is highly sugary, transparent, with a strong smell of hay, easily accessible to bees in flowers.
The sugar content in nectar is influenced by humidity and air temperature, with an increase in air humidity As the temperature drops, the amount of sugar in the nectar increases. With a decrease in humidity and an increase in temperature, the amount of sugar in the nectar in yellow melilot flowers decreases. The largest amount of nectar in the flowers is observed in the period from the opening of the anthers to the maturation of the stigma. Nevertheless, yellow melilot as a honey plant is valuable because negative weather events affect it to a lesser extent than other honey plants, therefore, in arid steppe regions, especially with saline soils, melilot can become the basis of honey collection.
Yellow melilot blooms for a long time and can last up to 41 days, during this period bees can collect up to 40 kilograms of honey from one hive, cases have been repeatedly noted when, on average, from 73 to 103 kg of melilot honey was collected per bee colony. The yield of nectar is average, the control hive often shows gains of 2-2.5 kg, can increase its weight up to 4 kg in 1 day, although there are references to 9 kg of nectar yield per day.
The yellow melilot is a good pollen-bearer; bees also collect a large amount of pale yellow pollen from the yellow melilot.
Yellow melilot flowers are well visited by bees, in addition to the presence of a large amount of nectar and pollen readily available to bees, this can also be explained by the fact that yellow melilot flowers emit a pleasant smell of coumarin, which attract bees.
If the yellow melilot is cut down at a height of 15 centimeters from the ground, then the growing melilot will begin to bloom and will be reduced until late autumn, thus, a supporting honey collection can be created for the bees during the period of preparing families for wintering.
By sowing yellow melilot at different times and tinting, you can create a continuous honey flow from melilot throughout the beekeeping season. The farm that can do this will make a profit both through the sale of melilot for livestock feed, the sale of seeds, as well as the sale of monofloral melilot honey and melilot pollen. Pure melilot honey is considered a good varietal honey and has every chance of being sold at higher prices, with a competent marketing policy.
When pollinating yellow melilot by bees, it must be taken into account that the productive years of bees in the field should not exceed 500 m. As shown by numerous experiments at a distance of 700 m from the hives, the number of bees on flowers is two times less than the number of bees on flowers 150 meters from the hives .
Honey from melilot is yellow, light amber or white in color, honey tastes good, has a strong aroma. See more Donnikova honey.
Which melilot is the best honey plant white or yellow
Many beekeepers often ask which melilot is the best honey plant white or yellow?
When asked which melilot is the best honey plant, white or yellow, the answer will be quite simple, all melilot are excellent honey plants. Moreover, in addition to white and yellow melilot, there are others - toothed melilot, fragrant melilot, Crimean melilot, Caspian melilot, Volga melilot and other honey melilot. Each melilot as a honey plant has its own characteristics.
Melilot yellow honey plant agricultural technology
Seeds of melilot are hard-stoned, so crumbled seeds can lie in the ground for a long time without sprouting in the first year and will gradually sprout over several years. Therefore, yellow melilot seeds must be scarified before sowing, and soaking melilot seeds in water at room temperature for 5-6 hours also gives good results.
If melilot seeds are treated in this way, then seedlings appear 5-7 days after sowing.
Yellow melilot as a honey plant when to sow
The question of melilot as a honey plant when to sow can be answered as follows, it is necessary to proceed from the climatic conditions of the area around the apiary.
The yellow melilot is not afraid of low temperatures, therefore, in the conditions of the Rostov region, the sowing of the yellow melilot is completed no later than the third decade of April. If it is not possible to complete the sowing in the spring, then melilot as a honey plant when sowing can also be sown in the summer after heavy rains.
In the spring, before sowing, the plot is leveled, additional soil cultivation is carried out, before sowing the soil is rolled with an annular roller, and after sowing, rolling is repeated. This will provide more friendly seedlings of melilot. The yellow melilot blooms profusely in the second year, in the first half of June, if you cut the melilot during the budding period, to a height of 12 - 15 cm, then after the regrowth, the melilot will bloom and bloom until late autumn.
Melilot white honey plant
Melilot - Melilotus albus Medik.
Melilot white as a honey plant White clover white honey plant description
White melilot is an annual or biennial melliferous herbaceous plant from the legume family (Fabaceae), 30-150 cm high with a tall stem. The leaves of melilot are compound, trifoliate, with oblong-lanceolate leaflets and subulate stipules. Donica flowers are small, white, moth-like, collected in long axillary racemes. Melilot grass has a fragrant smell and a salty-bitter taste. The melilot is widespread everywhere. Melilot is a winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant. Melilot is suitable for cultivation on alkaline soils, while contributing to prevents the removal of salts from the arable layer of the soil.
Honey productivity of white melilot
Melilot flowers are white, have a pleasant smell, emit a lot of pollen and nectar. White melilot blooms in the second decade of June in the conditions of the Ryazan region. White melilot blooms for 45-50 days in June and August, however, if there is heat and drought, the flowering period may be shorter. Each melilot flower lives for one or two days until it is pollinated, after pollination of the flower it dries up and blossoms in the next one in the brush. Features of the white melilot as a honey plant is that in the first 2 weeks of flowering, it fades from 2/3 to 3/4 of all flowers. Therefore, it is important for the beekeeper not to miss this period, as well as for farmers who mow melilot for livestock feed during the budding period. If melilot is cut two to two and a half weeks after the start of mass flowering, then the stems will not yet have time to harden, and beekeepers will already have time to get a good honey flow.
The honey productivity of white melilot is very high, from 1 hectare of wild thickets of white melilot bees collect up to 200 kg of honey. From one hectare of cultivated melilot, bees are able to collect up to 600 kg of melilot honey. The honey productivity of white melilot is highly dependent on agricultural technology, as well as the region and climatic conditions.
For the purposes of beekeeping in the conditions of the Ryazan region, wide-row sowing with a seeding rate of 4-5 million seeds per hectare is the most optimal, which ensures nectar productivity at the level of 465-488 kilograms of sugar per hectare.
White melilot, when mowing, is able to grow and subsequently bloom until late autumn. Honey collections from white melilot can be called average, on the day the weight gain of the control hive can reach 2 - 4 kg from ordinary crops and 1.5 kg from crops of melilot aftermath.
Honey collected from melilot flowers belongs to light varieties of honey and has a pleasant taste. See the article Donnikova honey for more details
An infusion of melilot herb is used for fevers, malaria, colds, as a diuretic for dropsy, to increase milk secretion in lactating women. Ointments from flowers and leaves of melilot have wound healing properties.
Melilot white honey plant cultivation agrotechnics
The optimal incorporation when sowing melilot seeds into the soil is 0.5-2.5 cm (less on heavy soils, deeper on light soils), the presence of moisture in the soil is very important. The seeds of the white melilot are covered with a hard shell, so the seeds need scarification. Scarification at home is carried out with sandpaper manually, or in a concrete mixer with sandpaper glued to the walls. You can soak the seeds for 5-6 hours. Seed germination reaches up to 90% after treatment. Melilot can be introduced into any crop rotation. White melilot is sown under the cover of winter rye, spring wheat, it is not advisable to sown with oats and barley, which can oppress it. However, good results are obtained by sowing melilot in row-spacings 30 cm wide to oats. A good result is obtained by sowing melilot to millet. Melilot gives very friendly seedlings in the case of late autumn sowing. But we must not allow seedlings of melilot to germinate before winter. In spring, melilot should be sown early. Seeding rates of melilot are 14-20 kg per hectare for row sowing and 6-8 kg/ha for wide-row sowing. Mowing melilot is carried out at a height of 20-22 cm, these are optimal conditions for the subsequent development of the plant.
Melilot officinalis use
Melilot yellow honey plant (Melilot as a honey plant) Infusion and decoction of melilot have expectorant, emollient, carminative, as well as analgesic, wound healing and soothing properties. Melilot, due to the content of coumarin, depresses the central nervous system and has an anticonvulsant effect. In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is used for chronic bronchitis, insomnia, migraines, ailments caused by high blood pressure and heavy menstrual bleeding. Outwardly, an infusion of herbs in the form of washings, baths and compresses is used for abscesses, abscesses, boils, inflammation of the mammary glands and rheumatism of the joints. Crushed and boiled with fat or oil, the flowers increase the ripening of abscesses. Crushed leaves are applied to tumors to soften them and to wounds to draw out pus.
Melilot toothed honey plant
Photo of a bee on a flower of melilot. The root of the melilot is strongly thickened, with a large number of thick lateral roots of the first and second order. The stems of melilot are often relatively short, about 30-90 cm high, less often up to 140 cm high, the stems are erect or ascending, often on the stems there are numerous lateral very long branches, hollow and more herbaceous than in other types of melilot. The leaves of the serrated melilot are large.
The lower and middle leaves are more often oblong-elliptical, broadly oval or oblong-obovate, less often the leaves are almost rhombic, 3.0-4.5 cm long, 2.0-2.5 cm wide. The leaves of the upper tiers are linear-oval in shape, less often shortened, oval, with thin veins that stand out strongly, the leaves are strongly serrated from the base to the tops. leaflets, denticles needle-shaped, on each side of the leaflet 15-25 cloves. The tip of the leaf of the melilot is cut off and ends with a tooth. Flower racemes are short (4-10 cm), dense, many-flowered (30-70 flowers), flowers on a short 2-3 mm peduncle. Melilot corolla toothed pale yellow or dark yellow, melilot flowers drooping, relatively small, flower sail 3-6 mm long, somewhat longer than flower wings, calyx with 5 almost equal teeth, slightly pubescent. Toothed melilot pods are round or ovoid, 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, with a short sharp nose, beans are compressed, bare, reticulate-wrinkled, pods are often 2-seeded, unlike other types of melilot, toothed melilot with clearly defined keel. Seeds of the melilot are small, rounded, 1.2-1.6 mm long and 1.2-1.5 mm wide, greenish-yellow or brown. Melilot is a cross-pollinated plant readily visited by bees. The melilot blooms for a long time from June to September, the beans ripen in July-October.
Toothed melilot is a good honey plant. Bees collect a lot of nectar and pollen from melilot flowers.
The toothed melilot is common in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, the Caucasus, Eastern and Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia.
Toothed melilot prefers saline lands and grows in meadows, often grows in solonetsous, less common in tugai, on wet solonchaks, grows along the bottoms of beams, sometimes occurs as a weed plant in crops from forest-steppe to semi-desert zones, grows in mountains reaches medium belts along the banks of streams and rivers.
Toothed melilot is a valuable fodder plant, its ability to grow on saline soils and solonetzes is especially valuable. Melilot is readily eaten by animals. Toothed Melilot is considered a non-coumarin "sweet" kind of melilot. Melilot is of great interest in breeding to create valuable coumarin-free varieties of melilot. Toothed melilot increases soil fertility.
Melilot annual honey plant
Melilot annual honey plant Annual melilot is a relatively new plant in our area. Melilot annual was bred by breeders in the USA. Melilot annual is unique in that:
• Annual melilot blooms in the first year after sowing,
• Annual melilot in terms of honey productivity significantly exceeds biennial varieties of melilot, melilot honey, one of the best varieties of honey.
• Annual melilot is ideal for sowing various waste lands, salt marshes, fields, etc.,
The annual melilot is well combined in various crops with other crops (corn and others), enriching the feed mixture, and at the same time gives the bees a good honey flow.
• Annual melilot is used as animal feed,
• Annual melilot has the most valuable medicinal properties.
Melilot is an annual drought-resistant crop, the vegetation period of melilot is 120...140 days, the stems are straight, branched, green in color, with anthocyanin color in the lower part. The annual melilot plant reaches a height of 1.8–2.5 m. The flowers of the annual melilot are white, bisexual, irregularly shaped, drooping on short peduncles, the flowers are collected in inflorescences - a loose brush 15–26 cm long, the annual melilot fully blooms in 2– 2.5 months after sowing. Flowering of the annual melilot lasts for two months, long flowering occurs due to the uneven opening of flowers and a huge number of flowers. On one plant of the annual melilot, there can be up to 1500 pieces. flowers, and on one hectare of continuous herbage there are about 1.7 billion flowers. Melilot annual is able to produce nectar in any weather, throughout the day from morning to evening. The honey productivity of the annual melilot ranges from 300 to 800 kg/ha. Even in hot summer, honey productivity does not fall below 300 kg/ha. Melilot honey is one of the valuable light varieties of honey, as it has excellent taste qualities and it is believed that melilot honey has pronounced medicinal qualities. Melilot honey is ideal for wintering bees, as it does not crystallize for a long time.
The annual melilot propagates by seeds; the melilot does not lose seed germination for more than 10 years. Beans melilot annual round-ovoid shape, reticulate-wrinkled surface of pale yellow or brownish-gray. Seeds are yellow with a greenish tint. The size of the melilot seed is 1.7 ... 2.2 mm. The mass of 1000 seeds is 1.8 ... 2.12 g. Sowing of the annual melilot begins in early spring and continues until the end of May. Sowing of melilot can also be carried out before winter, if it is necessary for the flowering of melilot to begin in spring, in this case it is necessary to sow melilot around the middle or end of October so that the seeds of melilot do not sprout. With summer sowing of melilot, flowering will continue until frost. The sowing rate of annual melilot is 20-25 kg per hectare when using melilot for fodder purposes and 15 kg per hectare for seed production. The depth of sowing seeds of melilot is 2-3 cm. Before sowing and after sowing, be sure to carry out rolling. Before sowing, determine the germination and the presence of hard-stone seeds of melilot. If the content of solid seeds is more than 15%, a few days before sowing, melilot seeds must be scarified. To protect melilot seeds from soil pests, root rot, bacterial diseases and mold fungi, melilot seeds are treated with fentiuram 20 days before sowing - 3-4 kg / t. Immediately before sowing in a warehouse or under a canopy, the seeds are treated with rhizotorfin in a dry method with moisture. The annual melilot is unpretentious to soils, but grows better on soils rich in lime, and does not tolerate acidic soils. The annual melilot has the ability to dissolve saline soils, it enriches them with nitrogen. The annual melilot can grow even in the sand. The annual melilot is a very promising plant for developing the soils of the forest-steppe, steppe and semi-deserts. Like any legume, the annual melilot enriches the soil with natural nitrogen, restoring and increasing its fertility. About a month after sowing, when the melilot plant reaches 50 cm, it seems to stop growing, taking root to a depth of 2 meters. The root of the melilot is taproot, thickened in the upper part, well developed in the arable layer and deeply (up to 1.5–2.0 m) penetrates the soil. Thanks to the most powerful root system, melilot is able to develop a large green mass, break up the soil, and release a large amount of nectar. The very structure of melilot flowers prevents the evaporation of nectar in the heat and washing off after rain.
The annual melilot is also valuable as a fodder plant. In terms of its fodder qualities, it is not inferior to such fodder grasses as alfalfa and clover. The annual Melilot is used for hay, haylage, silage, grazing, for sederation and strengthening of soil slopes. Harvest of green mass 300 and more centners per hectare. In addition to all of the above, annual melilot is a wonderful medicinal plant.
Annual melilot when cultivated for seeds is very responsive to irrigation. Its critical period falls on the phase of mass flowering, when the average daily moisture consumption reaches 1.6-2 m per day. Carrying out two vegetative irrigations in the phase of mass flowering contributes to the formation of more flowers on plants, which increases honey collection and increases the yield of melilot seeds.
Ripe melilot seeds crumble easily, which can lead to large crop losses. Therefore, when the harvesting phase of seed ripeness is reached, separate harvesting is carried out. Direct combination of melilot due to uneven flowering and maturation of beans on the brushes is unacceptable. When harvesting, it is necessary to carefully seal the harvester in order to reduce the loss of small melilot seeds.
After cleaning, the seeds should be stored in dry warehouses at a moisture content of 12-13%.
In culture, such varieties of annual melilot are used as Volga, Middle Volga, Kherson souvenir, Donetsk annual.
Melilot Crimean honey plant
Crimean clover is a leguminous plant with a two-year development cycle. The stems of the Crimean melilot are light green or bluish in color, straight, branched, 30-80 cm high, slightly pubescent or glabrous. Stipules subulate. The leaves of the Crimean melilot are rhomboid, obovate or oblong-wedge-shaped, obtuse at the end. Inflorescence of the Crimean melilot raceme 5-10 cm long, loose, lengthening in the presence of fruits. Crimean melilot flowers 5-7 mm long, drooping. Calyx about 3 mm long, pubescent, notched to half. Calyx teeth linear-lanceolate, pointed. The corolla of the flower is white. The flag, wings and boat of the flower are the same length. The ovary of the flower is pedunculated, pubescent with short adpressed hairs, with two ovules. Young beans of the Crimean melilot are hairy, mature beans are naked, 4-7 mm in length. Legs of beans when ripe are light brown in color, folded-wrinkled. The seeds of the Crimean melilot are smooth, about 2.5 mm long, light brown in color, 1, occasionally 2 in each pod. Crimean melilot blooms from June to July, bears fruit in July-August. Crimean melilot is a good honey plant. The sugar productivity of 1 flower is 0.0158 mg, the sugar productivity of 1 ha of continuous thickets of the Crimean melilot is 70.4 kg.
The Crimean melilot is common in the Crimea, especially often along the southern coast. Single plants grow in the vicinity of Simferopol and Kerch. Grows on screes, on mountain slopes, on coastal rocks, in bushes, in vineyards, rarely along roadsides.
Hairy melilot
Melilot is a leguminous plant with a two-year development cycle. The stem of the hairy melilot is straight, from 0.5 to 1 m and higher in height, the stem is covered with short adpressed hairs, especially strongly in the upper part of the plant. The stipules of the hairy melilot are narrow, subulate, entire. Petioles of the melilot leaf are short. The lower leaves are obovate or almost rounded. The upper leaves are oblong, narrower. The lower part of the melilot leaf is covered
short adpressed hairs, the upper part of the leaf is less hairy. The edge of the sheet is serrated, on each leaf e 8-10 cloves on each side. Donica inflorescence raceme 3-4 cm long, covered with hairs, elongating during flowering. The flower of the hairy melilot is about 5 mm long, the calyx of the flower is half incised, covered with hairs. The corolla of the flower is pale yellow. The flag, boat and wings of the flower are the same length. The ovary is 2 times shorter than the style, with two ovules. Hairy melilot beans 1.5 mm thick, 6 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, 1.5 mm thick, drooping, with a pointed apex, obovate. Valves of melilot beans are reticulate-wrinkled, covered with stiff hairs. Parts of the corolla remain on the fruit after ripening. Melilot seeds are smooth, dark in color.
Hairy melilot blooms in June, bears fruit in July.
Hairy melilot, like other types of biennial melilot (white and
yellow), an excellent honey plant, bees actively visit the melilot to collect nectar. Depending on the conditions of the year, honey yield from melilot is 100-250 kg/ha. The advantage of hairy melilot as a honey plant is abundant nectar secretion even in the dry period, although the duration of the flowering period in hairy melilot is less than that of yellow and white melilot, only 7-10 days.
Hairy melilot is common in the Caucasus. Hairy melilot grows on valley pebbles, on cliffs of seaside rocks.
At present, hairy melilot is actively introduced into culture as a fodder, green manure, phytomeliorative and melliferous plant.
Melilot fragrant honey plant
Melilot fragrant melilot biennial, rarely annual leguminous herbaceous plant. Melilot is common in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The root of fragrant melilot is relatively short, lateral branches are well developed. The stems of fragrant melilot are straight, rounded, thin 4-7 mm in diameter, low in height 90-110 cm, less often reaches a height of 120 cm, the stems are very tender - herbaceous, light green in color, slightly branched, there are a large number of stems in the bush 10- 18 pcs. Leaflets of the lower and middle tiers are round or round-obovate, with an average size of 2.2-2.5 cm in length, 2.0-2.3 cm in width, the upper tiers are broadly oval 0.9-1.7 cm, leaves thin, unequally and indistinctly finely serrated. Flower brush short 7-9 cm long, dense, 30-50 flowers in a brush. The fragrant melilot flowers are large, the sail of the flower is 5-8 mm long, 4-8 mm wide, equal to the wings and slightly longer than the boat, the corolla of the flower is pale yellow, the pedicel is short 1.5-2.0 mm, often red. Fragrant melilot beans are small, about 4 mm in length, reticulate-wrinkled, the beans end in a sharp straight beak, usually gray. The seeds of fragrant melilot are small, broadly oval, with a very short root, yellow-greenish in color, often without a pattern, sometimes with a pattern in the form of purple spots.
Fragrant melilot blooms from June to September, ripening beans from July to October.
Melilot grows on sandy loams and sands, grows on saline meadows and along river banks, more often in mountainous areas, in the foothill zone with a sharply continental climate with severe winters.
Melilot fragrant fodder plant. Deserves great attention for introduction into culture as a very highly nutritious and cold-resistant plant. The fodder from the fragrant melilot is of better quality than from the white melilot. Melilot fragrant good honey plant large flowers, abundantly visited by bees, form a large amount of pollen and nectar. The sugar productivity of one flower is 0.0145 mg of sugar, the sugar productivity of 1 hectare of continuous thickets is 147.7 kg.
Melilot increases soil fertility. High-coumarin forms of aromatic melilot are used in the tobacco and alcoholic beverage industries.
Melilot honey
Melilot honey is one of the expensive light varieties of honey and is distinguished by high taste qualities, it is often referred to as a reference honey variety. Read more about melilot honey.