Melilot honey properties, composition, application

Melilot honey properties, composition, application Photo
Melilot honey has a delicate aroma and is highly valued in the world market. In England, USA, Canada, melilot honey is the standard, other varieties of honey are evaluated in descending order. Melilot honey is collected by bees in almost all regions of Russia where there is beekeeping.

What are the features of honey, what does honey look like, what is the color, taste, aroma and consistency of melilot honey, how quickly does it crystallize. What is the composition of honey and what is the use of honey for the body. And also a lot of interesting things about honey, which will be interesting for honey lovers.



  • Features of melilot honey
  • What melilot looks like
  • Clover honey color
  • Melilot aroma
  • Melilot taste
  • Composition of melilot honey
  • Crystallization of melilot honey
  • Calorie content of melilot honey
  • When is melilot honey harvested?
  • Useful properties of melilot honey
  • Melilot honey as a source of vitamins and antioxidants
  • Antibacterial properties of melilot honey
  • Melilot honey for sore throat and cough
  • Melilot honey and skin care
  • The effect of melilot honey on the cardiovascular system
  • Medicinal properties of melilot honey
  • Melilot honey for women
  • Melilot honey for men
  • Melilot honey for children
  • Is it possible to melilot honey during pregnancy
  • Recipes for treatment with melilot honey
  • Contraindications to the use of melilot honey
  • The use of melilot honey in cosmetology
  • Melilot honey for facial skin
  • How to choose melilot honey - how to distinguish natural melilot honey from a fake
  • How to distinguish natural melilot honey in appearance
  • How to distinguish natural melilot honey using improvised means
  • Melilot honey or flower honey


Features of Melilot honey

Features of melilot honey photo - melilot honey photo melilot honey
Features of melilot honey photo - melilot honey photo melilot honey what kind of honey is it. Melilot honey is one of the elite light varieties of honey. Bees collect melilot honey from white melilot and yellow melilot flowers. Melilot is widely distributed in annual and biennial forms in most regions of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, as well as Europe (Poland,  Slovakia,  RomaniaBulgaria,  Serbia,) and North America. In addition to monofloral melilot honey, honey from melilot is widely represented in the composition of mixed flower meadow types of honey. Melilot honey is not inferior to rapeseed honey, esparcet honey, phacelium honey, Cotton honey, clover honey, Lavender honey.

In the United States, melilot honey is definitely considered one of the best varieties of honey, in terms of popularity this honey is in first place - on the shelves of retail chains it makes up about 50-70% of the total amount of all honey on sale, it is not for nothing that melilot grows on large areas inconvenient - along ravines, hillsides, roadsides.


One of the features of melilot honey is its proper storage.

When storing melilot honey with a temperature regime of 5-6 degrees Celsius, honey retains all its indicators for a long time - humidity, activity and all other indicators, if the honey was pumped out mature.
When storing mature melilot honey warm at room temperature during long-term storage, its aroma weakens, sucrose disappears completely, and acidity increases.
But if melilot honey was pumped out unripe, then during long-term storage, the diastase number decreases, the percentage of monosaccharides increases, sucrose disappears and acidity increases.

What melilot looks like

Despite the fact that melilot honey is collected by bees in many regions, it is only relatively recently that consumers have begun to pay close attention to it. Therefore, few consumers can tell what melilot honey looks like, what is the color of melilot honey, what is the aroma of melilot honey, what is its consistency, how quickly it crystallizes.
Let's take a closer look at all this.

Clover honey color

The color of melilot honey photo
The color of melilot honey photo - honey from melilot honey plant, and many other factors.
In Siberia, freshly pumped pure melilot honey is transparent, light, almost like water, the shrunken has a white or slightly yellowish color.
In the European part of Russia, melilot honey is light, amber or white in color, but depending on the soil, honey acquires a golden or slightly greenish tint.
Honey from melilot is more yellow, honey from white melilot has a whiter hue.

Melilot aroma

Melilot honey has a pleasant and very delicate aroma, which is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of vanilla.
There are two types of honey, honey from white melilot (common melilot), this honey has a delicate aroma of vanilla and a very pronounced taste, as well as honey from yellow melilot (medicinal melilot), this honey does not have a very strong smell, but delicate and mild taste.


Melilot taste

Melilot honey has the consistency of lard. The taste is mild on the tongue. Yellowish honey with a mild and delicate taste. But white melilot honey has a bright taste.
Also, some accompanying honey plant that blooms simultaneously with melilot can have a strong influence on the aroma and taste.

Composition of Melilot honey

The composition of melilot honey - honey contains a relatively large amount of fructose 40 - 50%. When the ratio of fructose to glucose is from 0.7 to 11.1; Sucrose 0.6%, maltose 3.5-4.3%; the degree of sweetness is more than 112 units. According to other data, the amount of fructose is 41% Glucose 33%, the ratio of fructose to glucose is 1.2;
Diastase number of melilot honey collected in Siberia ranges from 15 to 23 Gote units.

Crystallization of Melilot honey

Melilot honey does not crystallize for a long time, up to 2 years it can remain liquid if it was pumped out of freshly built honeycombs. Due to the fact that melilot honey does not crystallize for a long time, it is suitable for wintering bees.
Crystallized melilot honey is fine-grained, white or slightly yellowish in color.

Calorie content of Melilot honey

Melilot honey is widely used in cooking, sports nutrition, as part of diets, so it is important to know the calorie content of melilot honey.
The calorie content of melilot honey is within 310 kilocalories per 100 g of honey.



When is Melilot honey harvested?

When Melilot honey is harvested - Melilot honey photo
You can often hear the question When melilot honey is harvested. Melilot honey is pumped out in summer, after honey collection from melilot. Flowering of yellow melilot occurs in June-July, white melilot in July-August, so the pumping of melilot honey is carried out in July-August, depending on the region and weather, as well as on the cultivation of melilot.
It is very easy to find out when melilot blooms in your area, as a rule, single melilot plants grow even in large cities along roads, not to mention roads outside the city. If melilot honey appeared on sale before melilot began to bloom or when flowering is just beginning, then most likely you are not being sold melilot honey, if melilot is in full bloom, and there is already melilot honey on the market, that is, a large the probability that the honey was pumped out not fully ripe. When the bees sealed not all, but only the top of the frames, if honey is used immediately, then the benefits will be like good melilot honey, but such honey cannot be stored.

Useful properties of Melilot honey

Useful properties of Melilot honey are a set of trace elements and vitamins in it, as well as the presence of Melilot pollen, especially Melilot, and bee enzymes. Honey has a multifaceted effect on the entire human body, starting from using it to fight certain types of bacteria.


Melilot honey as a source of vitamins and antioxidants

Melilot honey, like all other light flower varieties of honey, does not contain many minerals, but a good set of vitamins. A distinctive feature of this honey is the high content of proline.
Honey is high in calcium, magnesium and potassium. In addition, honey contains iron, zinc and other trace elements in a small amount.


Content of mineral elements in Melilot honey, mg/kg (n = 10)

Index М+-tm Limits of fluctuations
Potassium 47,4+-7,61  26,4–85,8
Sodium   5,9+-1,18 2,4-15,3
Calcium 234,2+-21,46 157,2–333,3
Magnesium 76,6+-10,11 36,8-119,0
Iron 1,9+-0,49  0,2-4,6
Zinc 1,1+-0,24  0,6-2,4


Antibacterial properties of melilot honey

Melilot honey is a honey variety with medium antibacterial activity.
Melilot honey has an effective antioxidant effect. Melilot honey contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which are highly active in the human body. The amount of total phenolic content in honey varies from 54.06mg to 55.51mg GAE/100g honey.
Therefore, honey is able to destroy free radicals. Organic acids of honey also have antioxidant properties, mainly gluconic, which acts as a chelating metal ion, enhancing the antioxidant activity of flavonoids.
Under the action of honey, inflammation is reduced, cardiovascular risk factors due to lower cholesterol levels or poor cholesterol oxidation are reduced, and anti-cancer activity is carried out.
The antioxidant activity of melilot honey is at the level of linden and rapeseed honey.

Melilot honey for sore throat and cough

Melilot honey is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory organs (tracheitis and bronchitis), for colds, and for chronic catarrhs.
Melilot honey can be taken for coughs and bronchitis, for example, mixed with radish juice. To do this, it is enough to mix honey and juice in a ratio of one to one and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Melilot honey and skin care

Melilot honey is widely used in cosmetology for skin care.
In medical practice, it is externally used as an emollient and analgesic for boils, is used in the form of compresses with propolis - for purulent wounds, cuts, is used in the form of warm baths - for myositis in children and adults. Can be used for minor burns. When applied to burns, honey reduces contact with air, relieves pain, and partially kills the infection.

With boils, acne, abscesses on the face and body, you can make the following ointment - grate 200 grams of cucumber, mix with one teaspoon of melilot honey and rub the resulting mixture on problem areas on the skin.

The effect of melilot honey on the cardiovascular system

Honey melilot photo - melilot honey photo The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of honey may also play a role in cardiovascular disease when honey is used as a component of a diet low in saturated fat when honey is combined with fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Melilot honey, taken in small amounts every day in combination with the diet, lowers cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerol, fasting blood glucose, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP). ) is a marker of inflammation. But it is important to observe the dose eaten daily. In small amounts, honey can provide a positive effect, at high doses, the opposite effects can occur, such as an increase in triglycerides and blood glucose levels!
Melilot honey is able to increase blood flow in the veins and reduce capillary permeability due to the presence of coumarin, which also has antifungal and anticancer properties. The average coumarin content of melilot honey is 728 ng/g honey and the highest concentration is 902 ng/g honey.

Medicinal properties of melilot honey

Melilot honey contains up to 60 different medicinal components. In folk medicine, melilot honey is very popular due to its high nutritional and medicinal qualities.
Due to the fact that the yellow melilot is a medicinal plant, it is believed that honey from the yellow melilot also has certain medicinal properties.
Melilot honey is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory organs, for psycho-emotional stress, colds, headaches, and insomnia.
Melilot honey has a calming, diuretic, expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Its enzymes improve the functioning of the digestive system.
In medical practice, Melilot honey is used for such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, for the treatment of joint tumors in rheumatism. Melilot honey in folk medicine is used for dropsy, flatulence with abdominal pain, pain in the bladder and kidneys, as an anticoagulant.

Melilot honey for women

It is believed that melilot honey is very useful for women. Melilot honey is used to stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers. To increase breast milk, it is enough to take one dessert spoon of melilot honey 3 times a day after meals.
The use of honey increases the content of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood.
Melilot honey also has a resolving effect in case of inflammation of the mammary glands.

Melilot honey for men

Melilot honey for men is also considered essential. Melilot honey in folk medicine is used to treat dropsy.
In addition, it can be included in the diet of athletes.
Honey consumed before exercise effectively increases endurance during exercise without causing hypoglycemia - due to the slow release of glucose - or gastrointestinal upset. Honey consumed after a workout replenishes muscle glycogen, thereby reducing recovery time. Carbohydrate and protein intake within 2 hours post workout (e.g. 1.5g/kg carbs and 0.5g/kg protein) increases glycogen resynthesis and protein synthesis, promoting a more optimal anabolic hormonal environment and improving immune function. Therefore, you can combine honey (1 tablespoon provides about 15 g of carbohydrates), nuts and yogurt for a post-workout protein supplement.

Melilot honey for children

Melilot honey has a pleasant aroma, excellent taste, resembles vanilla and does not cause allergies in children who even develop allergic reactions from other varieties of honey. But still it is not recommended to give honey to infants.

Is it possible to Melilot honey during pregnancy

Women during pregnancy can eat melilot honey. However, honey should be consumed in small doses. Honey will positively affect the replenishment of trace elements that a pregnant woman loses, her hemoglobin normalizes and her general condition improves, her emotional background and sleep normalize.
In addition, a small amount of honey will help to quickly cope with colds in the autumn-winter period, without leaning on synthetic drugs.
Melilot honey will also help with lactation, for nursing mothers.


Recipes for treatment with melilot honey

There are many recipes for treating melilot honey - for colds, coughs, sore throats, sore throats, skin diseases, and many others. One has only to remember that melilot honey is still an additional medicine and there is no need to self-medicate.

Contraindications to the use of melilot honey

Melilot honey has no contraindications, except for intolerance to bee products, it is noted that even allergic reactions when taking pure melilot honey are often absent in people who are allergic to honey.

The use of melilot honey in cosmetology

Melilot honey does not crystallize for a long time, has a pleasant aroma, contains a good set of microelements and vitamins, is light in color, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology.
As a rule, honey is used for the face and body in the form of scrubs and masks, where, in addition to honey, a lot of other ingredients are used, as well as for honey massage or body wraps.
Honey is also used for hair or as part of a shampoo, conditioner, or hair mask.

Melilot honey for facial skin

Among women, a honey-based scrub with the addition of cream is especially popular, in this case, cream and honey are mixed in equal proportions and slowly and easily massaged into the skin of the face, the scrub is applied to the skin after a shower or bath, washed off with warm water after 5 minutes. After the scrub is washed off, a moisturizer is applied to the skin. Such a scrub is suitable for delicate skin in order to cleanse the pores and exfoliate the dead epidermis.

How to choose melilot honey - How to distinguish natural melilot honey from a fake

When buying honey in the market, you should try to buy real honey and not fake. How to distinguish real melilot honey from a fake.
It should be remembered that melilot honey does not crystallize for a long time, so this is one of the favorite varieties of honey for fakes. That is why when buying melilot honey, you should pay attention to the naturalness of melilot honey in principle.
In this case, all methods of visual (organoleptic) determination of the naturalness of honey are suitable.

How to distinguish natural melilot honey in appearance

How to distinguish natural melilot honey in appearance
Start by paying attention to the seller. How many varieties of honey he has, how much the presented varieties of honey correspond to the season. Does he have such varieties of honey as milk thistle, kandyk, lily of the valley, lotus and other similar varieties - if there is, you can leave right away. As a rule, a simple beekeeper in a stationary apiary cannot have more than three varieties of honey, and at best he has melilot honey, this is a herb with an admixture of melilot. As a rule, pure melilot honey can only be found at a nomadic apiary, which wanders to melilot fields.
Honey from melilot how to determine its quality. Pay attention to the color and aroma of melilot honey, pure melilot honey cannot be dark in color, it cannot go in layers, its aroma resembles vanilla or has almost no aroma, there should not be any foreign smells.
Honey from melilot how to determine its quality if it is fresh pumped honey, look at how it flows from a spoon. It should be a characteristic pyramid, see how the last drop of honey drips. It shouldn't drip like water. This drop should return to the top and only then drip down. Honey, flowing down in a thin stream, even a very thin one, should not be interrupted.
Candied melilot honey is fine-grained and has the consistency of lard, and should not look like whipped honey.
At the very least, these methods will save you from a gross fake.


How to distinguish natural melilot honey using improvised means

Honey from melilot how to determine that it is real. You can check honey from melilot with the help of improvised means - drip on paper, with a pencil, dilute honey in a glass, but only the methods of falsifying honey that existed in the last century are already gradually disappearing. High-quality fakes come to the fore, which can be determined by a laboratory, and even then not every one. A high-quality fake, even of an average hand, is difficult for a laboratory to distinguish.
So if you want to buy good, natural melilot honey, find a beekeeper who values his name who has a nomadic apiary or melilot crops near his apiary and buy honey directly from him. Nowadays, delivery of shopping malls is a common phenomenon, honey will be delivered quickly right to your home. And the question of melilot honey, how to determine its naturalness, will become irrelevant.

Melilot honey or flower honey

In the markets, in addition to melilot honey, honey from herbs is often sold. Which honey is better melilot or herbs? There are many stories about melilot honey, how to determine what is more useful forbs or melilot honey. However, one nuance should be noted, namely, pure melilot honey can be collected only in the field where melilot is sown. And there are not so many such fields, for the most part, melilot grows along roads, along the edges of the forest, among other plants, and although it grows one and a half to two meters in height and can well shade all other plants, there are still other honey plants and most often market honey from melilot is an integral part of prefabricated flower honey. The quality of honey does not suffer from this. Honey from herbs with a predominance of melilot has a more pronounced aroma and taste, and the diastase number reaches 35 Gote units.
So if instead of pure melilot honey, you will be offered natural honey from melilot and herbs, then this is also very good honey.